Catalyst Week in Wendake: Nurturing Indigenous Clean Energy Leaders

In mid-September, I had the opportunity to participate in the Indigenous Clean Energy Catalyst 2020 program's second onsite week, held in Wendake First Nation, just north of Quebec City. This program brings together Indigenous energy champions from across Canada to develop their skills and knowledge in clean energy project development.

Week two of the Catalyst program focused on feasibility studies, helping participants take their project ideas from vision to actionable plans. Through workshops and mentorship sessions, we guided these leaders in assessing the technical and financial viability of their projects. My role involved leading the Heat Loss House workshop, which challenged participants to think critically about energy efficiency and budgeting in building design.

What made this onsite week particularly rewarding was the collaborative atmosphere. We had mentors from across the country sharing their expertise, and the participants were eager to learn and apply these lessons to their own communities. It was also a personal highlight to reconnect with former colleagues and meet new catalysts who are just beginning their journey in renewable energy.

The Catalyst program continues to be a driving force in Indigenous clean energy development. We look forward to seeing how the participants will apply their newfound knowledge in their communities and the impact they will make in the years to come.


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